Sunday 3 April 2016

Wine Isn’t As Good for You As You Think

You can say, "wine can help you live longer" whenever any one ask you to start a happy houre after 4.30 pm , Well, it seems like you’re going to have to retire that factoid: But in a new meta-analysis science speak from a several of studies found that moderate drinkers can hardly live as much as a non alcoholic.

That research opposing all other previous alcoholic studies,-Marion Nestle, Ph.D., a nutrition professor at NYU says "Moderate alcohol consumption can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease” .

  But only problems starts with the existing research of the defenation of drinkers and non drinkers. One drink for women and two drink for men is the moderate drink.As female has the risk of wet loss and brest cancer so they should take light. But 87% reason is the medical  for stopping alcohole. After this research we can see drinking can't add additional life. 

So, there is no need to take the glass of wine for good . Eun-Young Mun, Ph.D., a psychology professor at the Center for Alcohol Studies at Rutgers University “Because drinking does not occur in isolation, many individual, social, and cultural factors contribute to the way that alcohol consumption relates to health consequences”  . After more research we can say moderate drinking has nothing good for health.

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